Sunday 28 October 2018

Snuggles on Sunday

Tama-Chan: Well, we are back in our regular SoS mode, but only briefly because, as you know, there will only be one more Sunday before #1 leaves again. But we are making the most of what we have, so here goes.

Since the Vs were missing from last week's post, let me start with them. First, #1 snuggling with Violette:

And with The Big V:

In business as usual, The Blue Boy stuck to #1 like Velcro. Here he is sharing some snuggles with her in bed:

Yes, he is sitting on  her!

I have been snuggling with my Tommy:

My Beebs and Da Genj were almost within snuggling distance of one another on #1's bed:

And #1 managed to dig up a few more cheat pics from her time at the World Percheron Congress, this time with woofies.

This very handsome guy is called Clint:

 And this little one is Blue:

Oh, and there was one horse. Her name is McKenzie! She is a champion!

Happy snuggling, everyone!


  1. #1 is certainly busy! I'm taking today off from snuggling - I did all mine at the cat show on Saturday!

  2. Your snuggy day is always the best and everyone sure looks so happy!

  3. WE love all the snuggling at home and abroad :)
    #1 really does stack up travel miles ;)
    Happy Sunday!!!
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  4. Nice snuggles. Genji, I like to sleep on top of mum too, while she sleeps.

  5. It looks like you all are having some great snuggles today.

  6. The V's look like they are in dreamland with those snuggles. They have a look of pure bliss. And all the others are having a good Snuggly Sunday too. McKenzie is a beauty!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  7. So nice seeing #1 snuggling with all of you again.

  8. that was a super snuggly sunday for you!!!

  9. Je t'approuve tout à fait Genji. Les câlins ils faut les faire hyper rapproché.

  10. #1 just wants to snuggle every critter she finds!


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