Sunday 10 April 2022

Snuggles on Sunday


Tama-Chan: Hello, Dear Friends. We are trying to get back to regular posting but everything is still pretty laborious for #1 so it may take a few more days of intermittent presence. Still, we wanted to do an SoS post, especially that we re now reunited, as Ollie came home yesterday evening.

A friend who came by for a visit yesterday took this nice pic of me and #1:

When Ollie came home, #1 took this nice pic of Ms. N with him:

And this one of Mr. G with Benny:

Mr. G then took this one of #1 and Benny!

This was the view on #1's bed this morning:

And one last one of me snuggled up to #1:

Things are slowly getting back to normal.


  1. I am so very happy to see and hear that Ollie is home and you are getting better. love all the photos and everyone looks happy

  2. We're glad to hear #1 is feeling well enough to have Ollie back home. You all look happy to be together again.

  3. We know you'll all be glad for normal to show up again!

  4. Let #1 take her time; her injury will heal better if she doesn't push it.

  5. Lulu: "Yay! Welcome home, Ollie! All of you look to be taking excellent care of #1, as expected!"

  6. Looks like EVRYONE is happy to be home again !

  7. Yay for everyone being together again :)
    Lots of happiness there.
    Mum really likes the wall with all the collectibles that can be hung in it!
    Purrs, Julie

  8. Fabulous snuggles…and it’s nice to see Ollie is home. Tell #1 to take it easy…and heal quickly!

  9. Looks like the snuggles are helping #1 feel better! xx

  10. I'm glad things are going well with #1's healing, and that you are all together again!

  11. Yea!!!!

    I bet things feel so much better with #1 feeling better AND Ollie home!



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