Wednesday 22 December 2021

Woeful Woofie Wednesday


Ollie: Woofs everyone! Ollie here! Woe, woe, woe is me! Terrible things have been happening to me!  On Sunday evening, I was asleep at #1's feet as she watched and watched TV, and I suddenly woke up screaming. Literally screaming. I was also shaking and panting, as though I had just had the worst nightmare possible. #1 held me close and I eventually calmed down. She took me outside before bed and I was perfectly normal. But she sent a quick message to Dr. C to tell her we would be coming in first thing. I had a quiet night, and then had another episode at around 6am.

Dr. C examined me very thoroughly and also did a exhaustive blood panel. I am fine. Nothing to raise any alarm bells. So, she and #1 got their thinking hats on. Already from the time I was a puppy, I snored very loudly. Dr. C had looked inside my mouth and told #1 that my soft palate seemed unusually long, that it wasn't a problem at the time and might go away as I grew. Fast forward almost three years. I snore louder than ever and Dr. C is wondering whether it might now be causing a kind of sleep apnea when I am deeply asleep, making me feel as though I am suffocating. The other possibility is some kind of neurological "incident" similar to an epileptic fit. But #1 has seen dogs having epileptic fits and this is nothing like one, plus it only happens when I am asleep.

Dr. C called VetRef, the referral veterinary hospital where Benny had his polyp removed last May and, amazingly, they were able to offer an appointment this afternoon. So, #1 is taking me, along with Ms. N. It's almost two hours away by car so she will be glad of the company. I will probably have to stay at VetRef for a couple of days, after they do whatever they must do.

I would appreciate it if you could cross some paws for me, pals!


  1. we hope you come back with good news.... all paws are crossed... and be careful on da roads it is horrible outside today...we needed an ice scratcher... but no one has one here, so we used a plastic pancake flipper...

  2. I am sending lots of purrs your way, Ollie - I really hope the vet can figure out what's going on, and give you the solution that takes care of it.

  3. Poor Ollie! I hope the vet can find out what is happening and get it sorted out.

  4. Ollie, mum and I are sending lots and lots of healing thoughts to you. Purrs this Vet will make you better!!!
    Purrs, Julie

  5. We are crossing paws for Ollie!!

  6. Oh my goodness Ollie, such a scary thing and we're all sending purrs and prayers. Sounds to me like a pinched nerve maybe causing immediate pain? Love ya pup dude.

  7. Oh, Ollie! That sound scary for both you and #1. We have our paws crossed that the special vets can do something to make you better.

  8. Ollie we send you purrayers and Power of the Paw - and also Moose Magic, which is usually an Elkhound Thing.

  9. Ollie, we are pawyering very hard for you that whatever was troubling you so much will be remedied quickly and completely! Sending a ton of POTP!


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