Saturday 18 December 2021

Tommy's Souvenir Saturday


Rainbow Tommy: Woofs everyone! Your old pal, Tommy, here, over at The Bridge.  This is a poignant time of year for both #1 and me because three years ago, these were the last few blissful days before my awful diagnosis and untimely end. I know that #1 has been thinking about me so much, and looking through photos. I was so carefree and full of life. No one would have guessed that I would be gone less than two weeks later... But ,maybe, that too was a gift. I lived life to the full until the very last moment.

Little Ollie is doing a good job, I am proud of him!  Carpe Diem, Pal!


  1. You were such a happy boy Tommy, and you will always be missed.

  2. My eyes well with tears at these beautiful words. The pain of loss is great, but not greater than the joy of having had. May your #1 be comforted by many happy memories.

  3. Such joyful pictures to remember you by, Tommy.

  4. We're all still sad you had to move on to your next adventure so soon Tommy.

  5. Its wonderful to have all these (and more) wonderful memories.
    Sorry you had to leave in such a hurry that year...♥

  6. Oh Tommy, it is so good to see you again.
    I miss you lots, but I bet you are having fun at the Bridge.
    Thanks for stopping by :)
    Purrs, Julie

  7. Hi there NAT -

    Please tell NAK and NAL we miss them SO FURRY much - but Willow is doing her best to snuggle into my holed heart -


  8. Lots of purrs to #1 during this sad anniversary time. I do miss you lots too.

  9. We miss you, Tommy, but we do love Ollie too. Hugs to #1.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber


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