Sunday 3 June 2018

Snuggles on Sunday

Tama-Chan: With #1 away, we haven't been able to snuggle with her as much as we like to do, but I think I have enough photos for today's post.

I decided that #1 needed to include snuggle time into work-time, so I plonked myself under her hand when she was at the computer:

Genji has been snuggling big-time with #1:

And my Beebs has too!

We do have one of Miss Violette:

And this rather "R" rated one of Tommy with his friend, Melba!

#1 will probably come back with lots of Big V snuggle pics. She is due back tomorrow evening.


  1. Happy Sunday! I will be snuggling with patients today - and my human is happy because we know the two dogs we will be working with and they are both sweethearts.

  2. Happy Snuggle Day everyone, y'all look most wonderful!

  3. Great snuggles pictures ! We're looking forward to hearing of Vidock and seeing his photos. Purrs

  4. Tama j'aime bien ta méthode. Moi aussi je la mets en pratique. Parfois il faut aller chercher les choses.

  5. Safe travels to #1. You all did just fine with lots of sweet snuggles.

    Happy Snuggle Sunday.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  6. You all are going to have a big snuggle pile when #1 gets home!

  7. You all are very good in the snuggle category :)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  8. Those snuggles should hold you over until #1 returns.

  9. oooh you have a weimi friend? how cool is that?


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