Friday 11 May 2018

Vidock Vendredi

Vidock: Handsome Neighs, Dear Friends. Oh do I have a tale to tell you today. As you know, #1 came to visit me, along with Ms. C. Mr. S had hitched me to a forecart, with a big round bale of hay behind me. As we moved forward, with just #1 and Ms. C on the forecart, it went over an old plastic garden chair which, as it broke, made a huge bang. I started and then promptly went over a shaft that was a little off the ground, and the forecart tipped to one side, sending Ms. C flying. #1 miraculously managed to hang on but, by this time, I was flying at a full gallop, straight through an electrical fence and through a big field. #1 started to wander whether these were her last moments, as we headed straight for the hedge. Fortunately, there was the hedge, and a stream running in the bottom, and I stopped, stuck. She hopped off and waited for Mr. R and Ms.C (who has injured her knee) to come. They had to get a tractor to secure the forecart and its heavy load so they could unhitch me.

In the stream:

Out of the stream:

Back in the shafts:

Tearing around the field one more time:

And then off to feed the ponies.

It was quite an adventure. #1 told me she now understands what Ben Hur felt like in that chariot race. I am glad she didn't get hurt, but I feel bad for Ms. C, so  could I ask you all to rustle up some purrs, woofs and neighs for her knee's speedy recovery?


  1. Oh my! What a scary adventure, Vidock. I am sending good thoughts for Ms.C's knee to recover well. I am glad that you and #1 weren't injured. I was pleased to see you looked calm when Mr.S put you right back in the shafts which of course was very important to do so you didn't associate them with bad things.

  2. WOW! That was quite the day you all had!
    We are glad you are all OK and we will send lots of purrs to Ms C and her knee.
    Good thing you got right back into the wagon so you will feel comfy with it Vidock :)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  3. Wow, that was a scary experience! I'm glad #1 was okay, and I'm sending lots of purrs to Ms. C.

  4. Wow, a wild ride with Vidock! So glad #1was not injured but poor Ms, C. We hope she will be OK.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  5. well that must have been very scary. purrs to Ms C and glad everyone survived mostly in one piece

  6. That must've been so scary, especially the electric fence. Sending healing thoughts to Ms. C and I glad that you and #1 are OK.

  7. OMC, Vidock, what a scary experience for you all ! We're glad #1 was not injured, and we send tons of healing purrs to Ms C ! Purrs

  8. Purrayers for Ms C to heal quickly ! How scary - we're glad no one was hurt more seriously !

  9. Oh my Vidock, we're all sending purrs to Ms. C for quick healing.

  10. Lots of purrs to Ms C about her knee, but Vidock why did you drive over the chair? Chairs are not meant to be driven over. it alls sounds so scary.

    1. It was not my fault that somebody (probably a small person) had left it lying around where it should not have been!

  11. That must have been very scary for you Vidock. We're glad nobody was seriously injured and we have our paws crossed for Ms. C's knee. It's good to see you were able to get back to work after all that excitement.

  12. Oops, quelle histoire Vidock ! Ca aurait pu super mal se terminer.
    Heureusement que tu as fini par t'arrêter. Tout le monde a du avoir super peur.
    On espère que tu ne t'es pas fait mal et que Ms C. va se remettre très vite.


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