Rainbow Sei: I am happy to be back for my weekly hello to all of you. You know #1 dreamed to me the other day that she feels that she can sometimes see me running through the house. Isn't that amazing?
Let me see what I have for you today. I thought I might start with a shot of me. #1 says tere is something a little magical about this one.
As you gathered from last week's post. Sen-Chan was a pretty adventurous kitty (actually, he still is...). He enjoyed climbing trees but didn't always know how to get down!
Dangling is a bit of a speciality at Poupounette Central and, as you can see, Yuu-Chan wa salso very proficient at it. His combo hind legs and tail dangle was truly exceptional!
Ikkyu, for his part, specialised in his unique kind of dangle!
I shall conclude, once again, with sweet Trav. It took me some time to locate him up here and he was a bit unsure at first, but I think I am succeeding in bringing him out of his shell.
We all wish all of you a lovely weekend, and sweet dreams of the ones who have left.