Violette: Well, #1 tells me that I am her Percheron "Beebs" in that I have gotten myself in quite a bit of trouble this week... The fact is that I don't like my neighbours, either to the left of me or across the way (the one on the right is fine) and I throw myself at the walls of my box in an effort to get to them to sink my teeth into flesh. Needless to say, no teeth have sunk so far but I have managed to do some serious damage to my box... You see, I am a big and very strong girl... And #1 tells me I am particularly naughty because the lady across the way is Vidock's Mama, Jessy, and I should be more respectful. Well, I can't help it, and that is that. The end result is that on one day this week, I was outright punished and put out in the field on my own all day. I was SO lonely except for when #1 came to see me. But she said it was an excellent opportunity for an outdoor photos shoot, so I was cooperative in that:
Coming over for a cuddle, #1!
So, which profile do you think is best?
Or the frontal view?
#1 says she really likes this one:
... and that I am beginning to look quite magnificent!
Anyway, when she came to see me that day, #1 whispered something to me. Big news, actually. Due to circumstances beyond our control, it is going to be necessary for me and Bro Vidock to move to new digs. Ms. S has promised to continue to keep an eye on us, but she can no longer have boarders the way she has been doing. So, the weekend of December 8/9, we are moving! The downside is that the place we're moving to is farther away. It will be 25 minutes' drive for #1, as opposed to 10 minutes now, so she won't be able to come and see us every day. She says she is committing to come three times a week. The positive is that the people are really nice, and both #1 and Ms. S know them well. It's where #1 has been riding for the past year, and she says she is sure we will be happy there.
Vidock: I've gotta tell you that I was really worried when I first heard this news. You see, the vast majority of boarding facilities refuse point blank to take stallions as so many are badly behaved. But these nice people trust Ms. S and Mr. E and know the kind of education they give their boys, and so they said it was OK! Phew!
After all, as Ms. S keeps saying, I get into a lot less trouble than Violette! But I shall miss Big Tom since he won't be coming along. I am sure I will make new friends, and #1 will always be there with me. Oh, and my buddy Quick from here is also going to the same place. In a little while, Mr. E has promised to finish my schooling. But I am a little nervous and would appreciate it if you might cross a few paws and hooves for us.
In the new place, we are going to be outdoors year around, so there will be lots more opportunities for great photo shoots!