Saturday, 21 January 2012

SEItisfactory SEIturday!

La la la la LAaaaaaaaaaa! Life is good, Dear Friends! We are all so happy to have Tommy and #1 back. Sheer bliss!

Yesterday evening, we were all draped around #1 as she watched an old BBC series called "Barchester Chronicles." It was so peaceful!

Earlier yesterday, I started by relaxing on my big "zabuton" cushion...

Then I moved to the hammock that hangs on the study radiator...

And I supervised Tom's towel, which he had taken away with him...

Everything is in order, and all in place for a lovely weekend!


  1. Sounds good Se-Sei! With so many places to hang out the weekend can certainly come. Our mom will be deserting us for four days, visiting family again. We'll be sleeping the time away.

  2. Looks like a lovely weekend indeed!

  3. This is most satisfactory. We hope you can all squash #1 onto the sofa and glue her to UK TV so she will never abandon you again. We have discovered Äiti watches this Sherlock thing, and we were disappointed to learn that there series is over. We need to find something else for her!

  4. Sei-Chan we think you have a very comfy place to spend a restful
    afternoon and evening. We hope #1 recovered the chickhen that had disappeared from the oven cos we would hate to think of you all starving. It has just stopped raining here after a day and a half non stop!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. YOU are SO gorgeous. I know mommy and Admiral told you already but I also am impressed with the beauty of your blonde eyeliner. ooo la laaaa.

  6. Sei-Chan, glad #1 is home and that you have some nice comfy places to take it easy this week end. Have a good one.

  7. Yay, #1 and Tommy are back!! I'm very happy for you :-) I hope you all have a very peaceful and relaxing weekend together!!

  8. At last!!! You can finally get some rest with everyone at home, where they belong!

  9. So Happee every buddy is together
    Benny & Lily

  10. Glad everything is back to normal now!
    Happy weekend!
    Kisses and hugs

  11. Everything, everyone and every cat in its place! That makes life grand!

  12. Life is good when all is as it should be and you're with your family. What a pretty kitty you are!

  13. It's always a good idea to test out all the best napping spot to prepare for a relaxing weekend. We have a feeling the spot closest to #1 will always be the most comfy.

  14. So happy to hear the cat draping has started. (we haf that at our house)


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