And here is a nice one of me waiting for her to throw it:

Yesterday, we went out to an agricultural fair and all these people came up to #1 to ask if I was for sale. She says she could have made a fortune out of me! But of course, I will never be anywhere but here with my family. By the way, I have been having huge fun riding in our loaner Nissan Patrol. There is so much room for me to stretch out at the back. In fact, I love it so much that #1 has a hard time getting me to get out of it! She's going to try and get a good photo of me in there. In the meantime, here is another outdoor portrait:

Bibi-Chan: As you know, I had a big week last week, with my snip day at Dr.C's, but I recovered very quickly and I am in great form again! Here I am on the evening of the big day:

#1 says I am the best tail-tucker she knows. I also spent some time snuggling with her:

Now that that's all over, it's important to get back into a proper daily routine. Here we are this morning with Yuu-Chan, doing our ablutions on getting up:

And how about a little Bibi with your tea for breakfast?

Yuu-Chan: I too have had a busy week. I decided to follow Yuu-Chan's example and help #1 with the ironing:

It's a lot of hard work!
I also spent some time hanging out with Bibi:

We would like to leave you this week with a very special photo of the three of us boys with our #1. Please note in particular Tommy's paw positioning!

Have a great week, everyone!