Thursday 6 February 2020

Thankful Thursday

Da Genj: I am so happy to have #1 home. And the best thing is that she is home almost all the time, so there is lots and lots of cuddle time for both me and Tama (she does muscle in on me quite a bit, telling me she is Queen, after all!).

Ollie has gone off to spend a few day with his pal Noelle at Ms. C's, but #1 got a pic of all of us before he left:

Can you see Ollie? He is on the sofa at the back. It was just wonderful for all of us to be together again!

#1 has started going to the physio regularly. She has 3 appointments a week and she is making good progress, even though she says it is quite painful!

We apologise for not coming a lot these past few days. #1 gets very tired very quickly. We will do better.


  1. we wish your #1 a super recovery and we hope the pains will be less after some days...

  2. I'm glad you two are taking good care of #1!

  3. Looks like #1 is in good paws.
    We think she will need lots of cat therapy as she recovers :)
    Purrs,Georgia and Julie

  4. You all are so sweet to stick close to #1. Don't worry about not visiting our blog. We think #1 should concentrate on doing her exercises and resting all she need to.

  5. Genji, we'd rather #1 worked on healing, so tell her that we'll see her when she can; no need to apologise!

  6. Yes, mum was home so much more when she was booted and healing. Now she is out and about more. Therapy and getting exercise.

  7. I know you all will take the best care of #1 and keep the snuggles going on!


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