Friday, 29 December 2017

Flying Ears and Frootbat Friday

Tommy: Woofs, Everyone! We had a very fun day yesterday with all our cousins. They even brought me a ball! Isn't that super nic of them? Before they arrived, #1 found the time to take me out for a run, as it was sunny for once, and she got some flying ears shots.

And now for some frootbats:

Did you recognise that last set of anonymous 'bats?

Miss Violette also sent in a submission:

Have a great weekend! There are apparently more festivities coming up!


  1. Wow that sure looks like a fun day with your cousins!
    What great photos :)
    I just happened to sniff across your blog and I'm so glad I did! Look forward to following your adventures into the New Year :)
    Lots of licks, your new friend Morrie!

  2. Tommy, you always look like you are having such a good time!

  3. We always enjoy flying ears and frootbats :)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  4. You all are looking great today. We especially like Tommy's flying ears.

  5. Ears to a wonderfully fun weekend everyone!

  6. That's great that you could enjoy some nice sun puddles ! We enjoy your flying ears and frootbats. You're right, Violette, the party goes on ! Purrs

  7. Looks like you had a good run, Tommy. nice frootbats from all of you.

  8. Great frootbats from all, including Violette. We had a bit of sun today but lots and lots of very cold temps. All our festivities ended yesterday and we all had a grand time. But the return of the quiet is good too:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  9. Excellent Frootbats! And it was so cool to see Violette's!

  10. Mad for ‘bats! And mad for all of you.


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