Friday, 29 April 2016

Voyageur Vendredi OR Trav on Friday!

Trav: Mee-Yow, everyone! Trav here! # thought it might be nice for me to do a post of my own this week as she got a few nice photos of me. She says I look a little bit of a ragamuffin in some of them, but what can I say? I AM a ragamuffin! I am a free spirited feral boy who is lucky enough to get two square meals a day and a cozy place to sleep.

Happy Vendredi/Friday, Pals! Oh, and by the way, "Voyageur" is French for "Traveler"!


  1. AW Trav, we think you are a ruggedly handsome boy !
    You could not have picked a better place to stay :)

    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  2. Trav, I can tell you are happy! Meals, shelter and #1 allows you your freedom - what more could a feral kitty wish for?

  3. Trav, we love your black toupe. I think you have found yourself a perfect "home".

  4. Traveller, I LOVE seeing and hearing from you! You ARE a happy boy but then, look who is taking care of you and loving you.

  5. You've found yourself a great place to stay and be cared for Trav so don't go wandering off and leaving your friends to worry about you.

  6. Bonjour le Voyageur,
    Moi je suis une Princesse, mais une Princesse vagabonde.
    Tu as de la chance d'avoir trouvé un bonne endroit. Alors surtout restes y. C'est important d'avoir l'estomac tout plein et d'avoir un endroit chaud et sec ou dormir.
    C'est bien d'être libre, sans attaches, mais j'ai un secret pour toi... tu ne sais peut être pas, mais les humains ça fait des câlins,et les câlins c'est super bon. On ne perd pas sa liberté de félin quand on accepte les câlins. Penses y.

  7. We love seeing you Trav, and we're so happy you're safe and loved and fed. Our porch panther, Oliver, waves his paw as a fellow feral!


  8. So there are three V's now!!! Great photos hoot, Travwler. Happy weekend to all.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  9. we is furry glad you have 2 squares and a cozy sleepy spot.

  10. It looks like you are a very happy feral cat, Trav ! Purrs

  11. Traveller, you look great in all your photos! Since you were lucky enough to cross pathes with #1, you've filled out. I think you are handsome. You need to trust #1 by now since she's the one who feeds you. You are what they call a "Tom Cat". Thank you for sharing today!

  12. You certainly are photogenic , dear Trav, and we enjoy the pix you allow #1 to take. Also, we think you would enjoy a soft rub on your head if only you'd give #1 a chance. Think about it, won't you?

  13. We think you're most handsome Trav and we're always thrilled to see you!

  14. You look very content to us Trav! And our Mama loves your dear face.Enjoy that warm sun on your back along with your full tummy :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  15. You are the cutest rag muffin
    Lily & Edward

  16. What a lovely boy. You all are so good to make sure he has two meals a day and a warm, safe place to call home. Know he's grateful! Glad Sei's blood work came back with good news!

    Lizzie, Max a& Tuck

  17. Sir Traveller yur a wise lookin mankat an hansum all so.
    Numburr #1 iss a wunderfull Hu'man an shee will take good care of you. Maybee yur 'travellin' dayss are over now??? ;)
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xXx


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