Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Woofie Wednesday

Tommy: We have had a little bit of snow over the past few days, really a tiny bit compared to many of our friends in North America, but I have really been enjoying it, and wanted to share some photos with you:

Come on #1! Let's go play!

The path down to the stream:

Violette's litte brother was waiting for his apple:

Then we played with the ball with #1!

And I brought home some more snowballs!

The snow was all gone by late afternoon but it was fun whilst it lasted!

In other news, we went out for pizza a couple of nights ago, and the guy who owns the place just loves me, and always has pizza treats for me :


  1. Looks like you enjoyed the snow enough to bring home snowballs ;) heehee
    Nice to see you spoiled too :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  2. Tommy, French restaurants are so much more civilized than American ones - my human wishes she could bring me when she goes out to eat, but they do not allow it here. :-(

  3. We love pizza but don't get much. Woofies are not allowed in restaurants here - only in special ones for people and their pets.

  4. Wow you got pizza Tommy!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. Wow! It really made everything look magical!

    Monty and Harlow

  6. What beautiful scenery! THe snow makes everything look pawsome and Tommy, my hairy slobbery sister Cinnamon LOVES pizza too!

  7. Apples and pizza treats! Yums! Life is good!

  8. Wow look at that snow. Can you do snow zoomies?
    Lily & Edward

  9. Even a small amount of snow makes everything look so pretty. Those snowballs in your feathers look funny Tommy. Mum says that on the rare occasions that we had snow, the cobs would come in with their feathers full of snowballs too, and all the horses looked like they were wearing platform shoes.

  10. Tommy, that snow looks absolutely delightful! And we are glad you have your own pizza man! Yum! :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  11. We wish we only had that much snow!

  12. It looks like you had some great fun in the snow, Tommy ! Nothing is better than a good pizza after a snow day ! Purrs

  13. En lisant les commentaires je m'aperçois que beaucoup de pays n'accepte pas les chiens dans les restaurants. Je n'avais pas réalisé ça avant.
    Je ne vois pas trop où est le problème pourtant. Quand un chien est sage et bien élevé il n'y a pas de problème.
    Un chien bien élevé cause beaucoup moins de problème.. qu'un nombre non négligeable de gamins !
    Tommy tu me fais me rappeler Laïka, la teckel qui est partie en 1990 et les balades dans la neige, et les boules de glace entre les coussinets ...
    Bonne soirée
    Nat à Chat


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