Saturday, 28 February 2015


Sei-Chan: Yesterday was actually sunny after nothing but soggy for days on end. You should see our streams and rivers. They all look near to bursting their banks at the moment...

When the weather is bad, one has to find indoor pastimes, such as helping #1 with her work:

And occasionally looking at her sternly to make sure she does everything she is supposed to do:

Plus there is meal supervision to make sure she is eating quality products:

And finally, the sun shone again and there was a sunpuddle!

Oh, and just a little treat for you...

Have a great SEIturday, Dear Friends! 

Friday, 27 February 2015

Violette and Vidock Vendredi

Violette: Pretty Neighs, Everyone! It seems like such a long time since we neighed! I hope you are all keeping well. I am fine but #1 feels bad about my deep cover of mud. You see, this is my  "clean" side:

I wil not even show you the other side. # 1 says it's quite shocking. And I am getting my nails done today - #1 says she wonders if the farrier is even going to be able to locate my hooves... It has been raining pretty much non-stop for several days, although the sun is actually shining today for a change.

My other news is that the vet came to give all us girls our shots. Last year, I got a tad aggressive when he came into the field and everyone gathered around him (I thought he had treats). So, this year, #1 took me out and I got my shot and then I got my treat bucket. Neighs!

OK, I guess we could also call this Fun Friday, so I will share a fun photo with you. #1 says I am really good at pulling funny faces. In this one, she says I look like a cross between a camel and a nanny-goat:

#1 tells me she has been discussing my education and guess what? I am going to be going to school soon! There is a very nice gentleman who normally rides Lusitanians and specialises in a Spanish riding style called Doma Vaquero, and he has agreed to work with me! #1 says I am going to be utterly magnificent and of course I believe her. He has gone off on vacation but will be back soon so we wil start the second week in March. Stay tuned!

I shall leave you with this rather nice photoof my Mama and my little brother:

Vidock: Studly Neighs, EveryFriend. Violette is right. It has been wet and muddy. It doesn't show quite as much on my dappled coat but #1 keeps saying how much she would like me to dry off a bit so she can brush me. Can you see the mud?

I don't have any really exciting photos to show you. It's the same old thing of me coming over as soon as I see #1:

She does like to take close-up shots:

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Tommy's Thoughtful Thursday

Tommy: Behold the calm before the storm:

Tomorrow morning, Fernant's family leaves for a cruise. They will be gone until March 11th. Camp Tommy will be in session...

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Wednesday Word: BEEbs!

Da Beebs: Meeeee-YOW, Everyone! Rain here and a slow start to our day as #1 had another crazy day yesterday.

Here is a photo of me, taken yesterday:

Did you notice something? YES! I am wearing my new collar! I lost my old collar (found later) and #1 decided it was time to put on a new collar. It is a very special collar because not only is it a lovely colour that suits me really well, but it has BEEs on it! Bees for Da BEEbas. Simply perfect, right?

A big thank you to our friends, San and The Amigos, all the way in Singapore, for my fabulous collar!

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Tama-Chan Tuesday

Tama-Chan: I do believe I have a bumper crop of photos for you this week, my personal photographer having been quite busy with me. I think that both of us really like this first one:

This next one is quite fun and fairly unique, I think, because it features not only glowing ears, but also a glowing tongue!

And here is a nice close-up portrait:

Sei-Chan is the one who normally supervises #1's "unputaway" clothes, but I thought I would give her a break...

In other news, there was this rather fun shopping bag to sit in:

Of course, I had to use al my self-control to ignore a certain Bibi-son of mine who was being a nuisance...

 I shall leave you with this rather nice photo of me at rest in a sunpuddle:

Monday, 23 February 2015

Manly Monday

Tommy: The rain is back but we had a pretty nice weekend, especially yesterday, and #1 and I took full advantage of it. Plus I got a new orange ball to try out!

Again, #1!

Sometimes, all that running around makes me pretty warm and I have to cool off in a puddle!

Da Beebs: The only puddles I like to sit in are sunpuddles!

I also like napping in one of the sky hammocks:

And here is my latest 4-paw dangle!

Genji: Here I am looking pensive and rather romantic...

Or just zonked out from sitting on the warm radiator...

And here I am looking sweet on my blue blankie:

Last but not least, how about "Sleepy Boy in Sunpuddle"?


 Vidock: Neighs, EveryFriend! Sometimes I think it might be nice to be indoors and bask in sunpuddles, but then again, there is the great pleasure of a good roll in the mud to consider... That makes me want to sing!

Wachathink? Do I have a potential career as an opera star?

It's good to dream...

 Have a great start of the week, Friends!

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Snuggles on Sunday

Tama-Chan: Another Sunday, another set of Snuggles, right? Each week, #1 wonders if there will be an adequate supply of pictures and we always come through for her, even if we are not all there every week.

Of course, I personally snuggle with Tommy every week... Here I am, getting ready to move in, and puring loud enough to be heard from the other side of the house:

Sei-Chan of course, is also always snuggling with Tommy. Yesterday, #1 saw Tommy sitting on his downstairs (living room) bed, and then she noticed someone else was just behind him:

And of course, everyone gets all misty-eyed when they see how Tommy puts his paw protectively around shy Miss Sei:

Here she is having a little snuggle with #1:

There is nothing shy about my Beebs snuggling with #1. In fact, the photo would be less blurry if he didn't constantly snuggle and jog #1's selfie arm!

 Here are Da Boys snuggling with #1, or should that be "sandwiching #1," in bed in the morning:

And kind of a cute one of The Big V making advances to Diddle, the Cane Corso woofie over at the boarding facility:

And getting a little snuggle from #1:

No snuggle pics of sweet Violette this week, but we'll make sure we have some for next week!

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Soggy SEIturday

Sei-Chan: Well, it has certainly been "raining cats and dogs" as humans strangely say (I mean have you ever seen such a thing, I ask you?) since yesterday morning. Aparently, it will stop this afternoon. Paws crossed.

It's a good job that #1 took some photos of me when it was still sunny...

She says this one is her favourite because I look ultra-cute in it!

This next one is a little more stern and supervisory:

A girl of many facets.., that's what I am!

Have a great SEIturday, Everyone!

Friday, 20 February 2015

Genji's Frootbat Friday

Genji: Hello Everyone and welcome to GFF! We are a little late in posting today because #1 had a really busy day of work yesterday and she was exhausted at the end of it.

Anyway, Frootbat Friday was one of the very first "regulars" we took part in when we started blogging back in 2008, and we are sad that it has somewhat fallen into disuse. I decided to to something about that, so, without further ado, FRROOOOOTBAAATS!

Here are some sunny BeebBats:

Glowing SeiBats:

And fetching TamaBats:

We hope you enjoyed this batty post!

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Tommy's Thankful Thursday

Tommy: Once again, I have lots to be thankful for on this Thursday. Firstly, the fact of being all better and being called "Tommy Sweet-Breath" by #1 again! Then, we have had decent weather lately so #1 and I have been able to take long walks in the fields, and my ball always comes along.

Let me start with a "before" pic of me waiting to go out, paws crossed:

And the "After" shots. Waiting for #1 to throw the ball:

Springing into action:

Flying Ears!

One Happy Tommy!

Hey! Did you see that a Springer girl won the sporting group at the Westminster Dog Show? I know she didn't win the top prize but she is cute!