Tuesday 18 November 2014

Tama-Chan's Tuesday

Tama-Chan: We are not pleased, Dear Friends. First of all, they keep promising us that the sun is coming back and then they change their minds at the last minute.. Give us back our sunpuddles!!! And then there is the fact that #1 is packing her bags as she leaves tomorrow. We don't want her to go!!!

Here I am last week, napping comfortably in the radiator hammock in the study:

And here is a good view of my jade green eyes:

I don't have anything else exciting and new for you, but I thought I would look back through my photo album and see what I was up to at this time fours years ago, and here is what I found:

Time flies, doesn't it?


  1. Time does indeed fly, and you look even more lovely now!
    Our weather is very strange too.
    It was cold on the weekend, then warm and rainy today and will be cold tomorrow. Glad we are indoor kitties!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  2. I don't think you look any different than you did four years ago, Tama!

  3. You look just the same Tama - lithe as usual. We are sorry you're losing the sun. But here it rains everyday. Not very good weather for walks.

  4. We're sorry #1 leaves again ! We hope it won't last too long ! Purrs

  5. Oh noes! No. 1 needs to STOP traveling & leaving you all without her pettins! Tama, you look lovely!


  6. We are glad what our weatherperson promised us is not going to happen. They had said SNOW on Friday but now it will be rain on Sunday instead.

    Those eyes of yours are so pretty, Tama.

  7. Sunshine on the furs is always the best option!

  8. We will send you some of our sun
    Lily & Edward

  9. Abandonment again ? Well, maybe she'll bring you back some sunpuddles. Unless she's heading north - none of them here :(

  10. wait....no sun AND #1 is leaving again??? no fair....

  11. Cold grey weather AND packed bags? This doesn't sound like a start to a good week!
    Keep us posted!

  12. Our weather has been "off" too. Very cold for us this early in the season. We'd love to send you some of our usual warm and sunny weather but we don't know where it went.

  13. How we love those jade green eyes!!! We know #1 has to go on her trip but at least let's hope the sun comes back out for all of you.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  14. Encore abandonnée. C'est pas drôle.
    Mais bon, tu dois un peu avoir l'habitude maintenant, et puis il y a les cadeaux au retour.
    Ton hamac de radiateur a l'air parfait.
    Moi je me contente du tapis près du radiateur.

  15. Tama, you are fallin' down gorgeous! Then and now.


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