Thursday, 11 October 2012

Thankless Thursday...

GENJIS-KHAN: Yes, that is my name and I am proud of it! And I am also very peeved at #1. You see, her idea of my having a good time is this:

Now, granted, I do love the new pipe cleaners she brought us from Canada, and I really enjoy playing with them. But there is more to me, MIGHTY HUNTER more! Behold:

Now I can hardly be blamed that this Blue Tit decided to fly into my cat run, which is entirely closed off to the outside world. Personally, I think it was more than a little silly to do such a thing, and YES, I caught it. The artistic nature of this photo is explained by the fact that I was busily flinging it up into the air when it fell into a crystal vase, which #1 immediately spirited away. And never again did I see my trophy, even though Beebs helped me look and look for it:

Talk about having your good times ruined.... What was there left for me to do, I ask you?


  1. Oh, Genji, we understand your disappointment, but our humans also love the birdies and so we aren't allowed to nom them either. Though we aren't fast enough to catch them, so moot point.

  2. *sigh* Gandalf all too frequently snags himself an Eastern Bluebird. And the ever-popular occasional Evil Squirrel. These things fall under the "Things That Do Not Make Momma Happy" column. Of course, I do understand that a cat must be a cat. But still.

  3. I hope the Blue Tit made it. We have Titmice here...yours and ours look a lot alike. I imagine they are closesly related and Genji..these things happen. Mom used to have an indoor-outdoor girl who had several gardens as her territory and once in a while she would catch a BlueJay, a cardinal and sometimes a Mockingbird. I saw her get pecked severely by a Blue Jay parent plus mom ran out there she said, and rescued the fledgling bird.

  4. pipe cleaners huh??

    yeah - we had a bird get in here once and mom ran around like a nut trying to lock us up and get the bird back out. those humans take all the fun out of it

  5. They just don't understand
    Benny. & Lily

  6. Genji-Chan, you are a mighty hunter! I have to salute you. Those blue tits are quick. And yes, if any creature is stupid or kamikaze enough to fly into our territory, they risk their lives. And to toss it into a crystal vase is just, how shall I say, magnifiue. Well done, you mighty slayer. Äiti's a bit sad as she loves stinky birds, and your #1 was clearly not impressed, but we are strong and fierce top predators - what else are we to do.
    All hail Genji-Chan, Prince of the Poupounette!

  7. What a hunter you are little Genji! I think you should wear your title "Khan" with pride!

  8. Well that was an impressive bit of huntsmanship! Sorry bout #1's catch and release program...

  9. We aren't allowed to catch birdies either - we can't see why because we
    are only protecting our air space from invaders!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  10. If that birdie flew right into the paws of danger by entering your run, then it got what it deserved - survival of the fittest and all that! That is a bummer that you did not get very long to enjoy your catch.

  11. I am MORE than JELLUS about your naybor hafing his own traktor!!! WOW!! that's just PAWSOME!!! - Sammy

    that suks that your mom took away your fev-ver! you caught it fair and square.

  12. I'm not a sports person.. but I think getting a 'basket' is two points! Although I'm kinda glad your #1 took the 'ball'.. Perhaps it will live to play another day.

  13. Wow, to have gone through all that and having your prey taken away from unfair.

  14. A crystal vase, huh. Well, they say presentation is everything.

  15. Genji, we have the same problem here, the humans never seem to appreciate our hunting skills either:( Birdie feathers have to be a ot more fun that pipe cleaners.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  16. oh dear, Gin-chan, you are certainly a fierce hunter! No, it wasn't your fault that the bird flew into your area. It really should have known better.

  17. A nap is the most sensible thing to do after such a disappointment. How mature of you! We aren't sure how #1 can live with herself. We always thought she seemed so nice, but maybe she is hiding a mean streak! You can come over and play (or nap) any time you need to, we love helping kitties in need. Purrs!


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