Saturday, 12 November 2011

SEIturday Sans #1...

#1 is safely across the Channel and busily starting our shopping programme today. We are bearing up and I am even letting Ms. A give me cuddles! Tommy is having a great time with Minnie and Emily, and we hope to have photos for you soon. In the meantime, I do have a few SEIturday photos for you!

Here I am supervising #1 at work:

And supervising her preparing Ms. A's room:

And sharing a nap location with that little silver scamp, Genji:

Wishing you all a lovely SEIturday!


  1. Happy SEIturday to you, too!

  2. Happy Saturday to you too!

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  3. Happy SEIturday Sei-Chan - is Genji much smaller than you because he looks quite tiny in the picture alongside you?
    We are glad that #1 arrived in the UK safely and has started on your long shopping list.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. WE wanted to come visit and apologize for spelling your name wrong Tama-Chan. We have loved watching all of you bid on the different items. We appreciate it a lot. We hope Sei-chan has a great time in the UK. Have a great week end.

  5. My sultry sienna Sei-Chan, I will be over in a trice to snuggle you; I have Bribed Mrs A to look the other way...
    Yr Affectionate Maui Man

  6. Sei-chan, you are an excellent supervisor and so kind to let the silver scamp sleep near you.

    9 and Chani

  7. Looks like you're having a nice, peaceful Sunday, Sei!

  8. Happy SEIturday!
    You are very nice to share the napping spot with Gen-chan. It's so funny you call him silver scamp :-)

  9. Better rest up. There will probably be lots to snoop through when #1 gets home!


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