Sunday 30 September 2012

Sunday Snuggle

Genji: Given the past week's schedule, #1 was not very good about taking photos (she is back, by the way, and says that, this time, she is staying put!). So, we have for you today just a couple of shots featuring me and my buddy Tommy.

You know, it is very important to keep your woofie clean!

After which both of you can take a well-earned rest!

So, #1 is back from the Percheron Nationals, which took place on Friday and Saturday and she said she wanted to share just a couple of pictures from that with you.

Stallion Quintus de la Vande, belonging to the King of Morocco, being shown in-hand:

Mares ready for the group presentation:

Mother and son taking their champion mare back to the trailer:


  1. Oh I love these photos and I also am so happy for all of you that #1 is back with you and staying PUT! You deserve all the snuggles you can get after a month of no #1!!! xxoo

  2. I didn't know the King of Morocco had Percherons! Wow!


  3. Such wonderful photos! We are happy #1 will be staying put for awhile. You need to sit on her and make sure it stays that way!

  4. I wish we had a woofie to keep clean! srsly.

  5. We are sure you are going to sit on #1 and make sure she stays put!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  6. Wonderful pics. Sounds like it is time to kitteh/Tommy pile #1. Hope she gets to rest up after running around.

  7. Glad that your #1 is back and staying home with all of you for awhile. Genji, that is very nice of you to wash Tommy's face for him. We think we would like that. Loved the photos of the horses all dressed up for their show.

    Your friends,
    Niamh & Ambrose

  8. #1 SAYS she is staying home... I wonder how long that will last?

  9. What a magnificent Percheron the King of Morocco has!!!

    Genji, you and Tommy are so cute together. Bet Tommy prefers your kind of bathing to a real BATH.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  10. Those horses are beautiful
    Benny & Lily

  11. Pawsome horses !!!
    The real reason there are not many snuggle pics is that #1 is buried under a pile of kitties and Tommy!! heeheehee
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie

  12. We love seeing those horsies! And we're happy #1 is home now!

  13. WOW! We wonder if the King of Morocco was there as well with his magnificent horse. It is a good thing that you did fur your bruffer Genji. You were furry thotful.

    the amigos and san
    btw faaks furry much for your kind thoughts about our bruffer that had gone to the bridge.

  14. Aww, kissin' the doggie!
    Love the horsey pictures!


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