Thursday, 27 February 2025

Thankless Thursday


Tama-Chan: Don't worry, Dear Friends. We are all OK, but our poor #1 has been through the wars and is feeling thankless and hopeless. As you know, she was away in Belgium for a few days to do a course to become a dressage steward for the International Equestrian Federation. This is a useful addition to her existing qualification as a para-dressage steward. We are happy (and thankful!) to report that she passed the course and the three tests that came with it, but several of those attending failed and she feels really bad for them.

More traumatic for her is that the big project she has been working on 24/7 for the past month imploded yesterday. We had mentioned that the client was being very difficult, but when they became insulting and nasty, accusing her of being incompetent,  #1 had no choice other than to file for a divorce. Now she is waiting to hear if they will pay her properly for all the work she already did rather than try to cheat her. We are doing our best to comfort her.


  1. What bittersweet news today. We are happy and sad for your #1. We hope for the best possible outcome. Humans disappoint more often than the animal kingdom.

  2. so sorry to hear this, prayers she will get her pay for work already done. I just posted this message on my blog. Da Nelly is really sick, she is blocked from her blog, hacked.
    UPDATE!!!!!!! Easy's blog has been hacked, a bot took over it, she can not get in it. Do not go there and comment or read! Hacker may get you too!!!!!!
    I saw the odd thing in FEEDLY and did not go there, this is per her email in answered to mine.
    ALSO PRAY for da Nelly, he is really sick, has lost a lot of weight suddenly. Going to vet today...
    Update added at 4:45 AM today Thursday.

  3. Our paws and fingers are crossed for #1 and we send her lots of positive vibes.

  4. This is very disappointing for #1, who we know is a very hard-working woman. She would never have done anything that not be worth being paid for. Give her lots of purrs and we will be sending wishes that she gets paid. Congratulations for her other accomplishment thank goodness.


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