Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: It's already the second week of February and it's raining, again. Anyway, thank you for stopping by my weekly post. #1 did manage to get some fun pics of me sitting in my beloved crate, in a sunpuddle that created all kinds of patterns on my face!

Before I forget, here is what my food bowl looks like. I really enjoy my food, but so does Ollie and #1 gets really angry with him when he steals it!

The little yellowish blobs you can see are my meds which #1 wraps in Laughing Cow cheese. I eat everything up like a good girl! I get four such meals a day, plus the odd snackette or two.

#1 got a photo of me doing an "under and over" dangle with my hind legs!

You know, that Benny Boy is a funny one. Sometimes, he is perfectly pleasant, and others, he is an absolute little horror. I wish I could figure him out. Here he is in one of his good phases:

And lastly for today, a nice portrait of me taken by Mr. G with his fancy camera:


  1. Tama, you look so regal always! And your meal looks like one fit for a Queen!

  2. to stay in bed is the best idea... we have fog and frost... ugh!

  3. A fancy camera for a fancy girl. What a plate of food that looks so yummy for a kitty.

  4. And all fit for a QUEEN!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - looks like my #1 will be bringing some snow with her when she comes home this afternoon -

  5. you look quite amazing with stripes on your face in you favorite bed/kennel.. the food does look yum.. oops, bad dog Ollie. I know Beau would dive on any food in any bowl

  6. wow tama, yoo gitz a five course meal, dat izza berry french!

  7. You're looking as lovely as every, Tama-Chan. That meal sure looks tasty and has quite a variety of food.

  8. Tama-Chan is beautiful! Linda

  9. Tama, you are just the Grande Dame of the entire home. What a beautiful Ladycat! And so wise of you to eat your four well prepared meals. Mama here will buy some of that cheese and see if I like it. Ollie, someone will have to watch you! That's a naughty boy!

  10. You are very good to eat your specially prepared meals and meds. That is a lovely portrait of you.

  11. Mr G got a great picture of you. You are such a lovely color.

  12. You are such a beauty, Tama, and you need your sunpuddles to be even happier. The heck with the rain in February!

  13. Beautiful Tama!!! Good girl taking your meds.

    We think the Eagles definitely deserved to win this game, our Chiefs just weren't there. But if they had won the game, we think that would have been fine. Just because they won before doesn't mean they should have to give up another opportunity. That is true of any sport.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  14. Tama! What wonderful shots of you! And your food! I, Marvelous am drooling...Mom is talking about making our foods like she used to make Cinnamon's. I wonder if it will be as good as yours....
    Nutcase...er...Nutmeg thanks you for coming to her first birthday party. She is still so furry excited about the pawty! Keep being awesome! Marvelous Marv, Kozmo, Jo Jo, Nutmeg and Mom Barb

  15. You are such a gorgeous gal and those patterns on your face from the sun are so cool!

  16. Tama Cahn yore so beeuteefull. Wee love THE pillowss inn yore carrier...iss like yore a Purrincess! Oh wait...you are!
    Number #1 sure takess pawsum care of you...mee getss brekkie sn suppurr an mornin an afturnoon an b4 bed sanx. Wee are both Purrincessess MOL!!!!
    ***nose rubss*** BellaDharma an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

  17. Charlee: "Hmm, so sometimes Benny is nice, and sometimes Benny is a horror? Hmm ... Hey, Chaplin, any chance you have a long-lost brother over in France?"
    Chaplin: "Not that I know of. Why?"
    Charlee: "No reason ..."


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