Sunday, 9 October 2016

Snuggles on Sunday

Tama-Chan: It's not the greatest photo but let's start with one of me snuggling with Tommy:

Oh wait! Is this a better one?

Whereas I snuggle a lot with Tommy, my Beebsy son really loves to snuggle with #1:

Undercover Beebs:

And Da Genj on top of the covers:

 Sei-Chan is playing on all fronts, however!

Sharing #1's desk chair!

Violette sends a smooch:

 As does Vidock who promises to do everything he can to get back to 100% good health asap:


  1. All of you do such a great job snuggling and taking pics!
    We are catching up on reading blogs and hoping that the big "V" is feeling better soon. Lots of good thoughts being sent his way.
    We are glad that Genji seems to be better, too!

  2. Awesome snuggle shots today!

  3. Pawsome snuggles gang!
    Enjoy your Sunday.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  4. Howdy sweet snugglers! We're thinking of you big V and sending mega purrs to you.

  5. I think Tama-Chan loves Tommy! In fact, everyone loves Tommy. Those are some fantastic snuggle photos! I adore the selfie of Violette. She's so sweet! Of course, I love Vidock as well. I didn't know he was sick. I've been away from FB for a while. They are selling my home and I'm in the process of buying a home. California is so expensive! Anypaw, I'm amazed at how all the felines love Tommy. Not all dogs relate to cats. When I buy a home, I can have a small family of pets to love on. They love you unconditionally! Tama-Chan, #1 is smart to surround herself with all of you! It's snuggle Sunday!!!!!!

  6. Smoochies to Violet!

    And it is so nice to get a snuggle on Sunday...

  7. Je trouve que vous très courageuses Tama et Sei de faire tout ces câlins à Tommy. Moi j'ai peur des chiens. Le votre a l'air sympa mais quand même. ..
    Ronrons pour tout le monde

  8. Can wee send POTP to Horseess Numburr #1??? POTH wood bee better so mee werk on that OK??
    Vidock LadyMum sendss all her LUV an good wishess to you an to you Violette LOTSS of nose kissesss!!!
    Efurryone lookss so happy there. And Numburr #1 iss good you are home fur a while ;)
    An iss GRATE to bee here to visit youss'!!!!
    ***Hi-5'sss*** Siddhartha Henry an (((hugs))) LadyMum

  9. You all are such great snugglers. We are keeping our paws crossed for the Big V.

  10. Such sweet snuggle pictures! Sending big smooches to Violette and healing vibes to Vidock. xoxo

  11. all snuggle pics are super, yours especially Sei-chan. We pray that Tommy's results come put well.

  12. I am purring for Vidock to have good results when he goes for his tests. My mum asks if it is possible he had picked up a virus, got over it so nothing shows in his bloods, but has left him feeling lethargic.

  13. My dear Vidock, I did not know you were ill! Now I am concerned.

  14. I love lazy Sundays! Nothing better than cuddling with a little fur ball! awesome pictures :)


  15. Yes...mes late...
    Between the human having this deadline thingy at work, Canadian thanksgiving, and starting my Pumpkin Patch...mes NOT had the chance to stops by and posts. Reading news in emails is all mes been able to does.
    And the Snuggles this Sunday was spectacular too!
    Many Kisses


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