Saturday, 18 April 2015


Sei-Chan: Yes! It's me at my usual Saturday post! How have you all been? We are all well. We had a big storm with thunderboomies yesterday, but it's back to being sunny again today.

Here is a nice photo of me enjoying a sunpuddle in my hammock:

And a close-up!

#1 continues to have lots of fun adventures. Yesterday, she was in a town called Nara which was Japan's capital in the 8th century! Nara is famous for its very tame white-tailed deer which wander around a wide area of temples. Just look at this little guy:

He was really still a baby as you can still see his baby spots:

But he already knew all about asking for treats!

These are the special "deer crackers" you can buy to feed them:

As for this big guy, he had simply wandered into the kitchen of this (closed) restaurant. Nothing like going to the source...


  1. I'm glad your sun puddles came back! It looks like #1 is having a great time in Japan... and not working too hard (at least not ALL the time!).

  2. You look so gorgeous in your sunpuddle, Sei-Chan.
    It appears that #1 is having a good trip. We are really enjoying all her pics!

    Happy weekend!

  3. We are having a very rainy day with more promised for tomorrow:( Enjoy that hammock, Sei-Chan.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  4. Tu es comme moi Sei, tu sais profiter du confort et du soleil quand il y en a. Ca fait tellement du bien. Et ça sans s'agiter. C'est important.
    Ils sont rigolos ces "deers". Ils ressemblent à un mélange de chevreuils comme ici et de daims.

  5. Allie: oooh I like the idea of wandering right into the kitchen of an eating establishment!! *licks lips* Mother, can we move to Japan?

  6. You look beautiful in your sun puddle, Sei Chan ! That baby deer is really cute ! Purrs

  7. We love looking for the sun puddles around our house too.

  8. Oh how wonderful that #1 is sharing her adventures with all of you. I know you miss her but she will bring treats and best of all..herself!

  9. Those deers don't look very vishus. Sei-Chan, that sun looks good on you.

  10. We are glad you've got sunpuddles where you are. We would give you some of ours as well if we could. We love reading about #1 in Japan.


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