Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Way-Back Wednesday

Tommy: With #1 away longer than expected, we are beginning to run low on fresh photos to share with you, so we thought we would do one of our posts featuring TOWCB, the Ones Who Came Before.

Here, first, is IKKYU, #1's first kitty. Born and raised in Japan, he lived with her on three continents. He absolutely loved tulips and this is one of her favourite photos of him:

Then there was SEN-CHAN who was one of the sweetest kitties ever:

And YUU-CHAN, the soulful boy with the ear tufts:

There was also TOWCB Fernant. Her name was MADRAC and although she did not live with us, she was very much part of our family. She was best friends with Sen-Chan and of course with me. She used to sit under #1's study window and serenade her!

We miss them and remember them all with smiles and a little yearning.


  1. We always enjoy wayback posts :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  2. I loved seeing those who came before.

  3. We never tire of reading about those who came before. it made us think of our own brothers.

  4. Lovely photos of your angels over the rainbow bridge xoxo

  5. We always enjoy seeing those furbabies remembered.

  6. Oh Ikkyu an Sen were amazing cats...Madrac sounds like she was a funny poochie with her serenading...thank you for sharing your darlings with us.
    Please let #1 know we are thinking of her here in Canada...
    With love Sherri-Ellen & 'Purrince' Siddhartha Henry

  7. What a wonderful photo of Yuu-Chan. Something irresistible, magical about his dear face.
    Just because they have gone on doesn't mean we ever stop loving them. They are with us every day in spirit and happy memories.

  8. Such pretty animals! What kind of dog was Madrac?

    Monty and Harlow

  9. A chaque fois que je vois des photos des deux derniers j'ai de la peine et un fort sentiment d'injustice. C'est tellement injuste.
    Je comprends pour la première photo. Elle est magnifique. Les tulipes lui vont bien.
    J'espère que la voiture sera bientôt réparée.
    Nat à Chat

  10. Love to see your wayback photos ♡♡♡



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