Tama-Chan: We are not yet quite into our "#1 Away" mode for posting and so we are still using quite a few photos from before she left. However, my first photo for today is one that Ms. R took shortly after she got here:
It is not good definition and a little dark, but it shows me giving #1 a big snuggle!
And here I am, snuggling with Tommy when he was still wearing his T-Shirt:
Here is a fun pic of a recent early morning scene in #1's bedroom, with everyone there except me (that's normal) and the Vs (that's normal too, Tee Hee...). Tommy was still wearing his cone then:
And a close-up of my wild boy Bibi:
Sweet Sei-Chan sharing an early morning snuggle with #1 on another day:
Genji having a snuggle with Ms. N:
Here is a fun one of Tommy having a great time with a Japanese visitor last week:
This is not a snuggle pic per se, but it shows Vidock's Mama, Jessy, and his full sister, Altesse, shooting the breeze together. Aren't they both lovely?
And how about this sweet pic of #1 and Violette?
Have a Snuggly Sunday, everyone!