Vidock: Neigh everyone! Sweet Tama-Chan said I could have this post (she is getting Thursday instead) so I could tell you about my unbelievably awful experience yesterday. Let me warn you that this is not for the faint of heart. If you are squeamish, you had better stop reading right now!
Now, many of your talk with apprehension of visits to the vet, but I have found out that there is something much, MUCH worse out there. It is called the DENTIST! We horses need to see the dentist quite regularly to make sure that everything is operational and we can eat properly. Uneven and otherwise bad teeth can make it really hard for a horse to eat.
So, anyway, yesterday was my first time. Viking and I were brought up first and put in adjoining boxes where we discussed the situation:
And then this guy came at me and put this medieval torture contraption in my mouth!
Oh, the unbelievable awfulness of it!
Just look at that sadistic smile...
And the fruits of his appalling labours...
And look at the state I was in by the end of it!
Fortunately, #1 cleaned me up and I have lost nothing of my handsomeness!
So, in conclusion, all I can advise to you, My Friends, is that if anyone mentions the"D" word, run like the wind!