So, she DID come back on Thursday, late morning, as promised! We were all beside ourselves. I had spent so much time sitting in the same spot on her bed, waiting for her, that it is totally furred over! Bibi immediately screamed for food, claiming he hadn't been fed for the past month. Yuu-Chan tried his hardest to melt into her. And Tama looked at her with huge reproachful eyes. As for Tommy, he gave her so many hugs she almost fell over
We don't yet have a lot of photos, but we can share a few with you. For a start, here are Tommy's flying ears, along with his new yellow Frisbee:

Here is Tama, chilling in the run:

Here I am, being my usual shy self:

Here is "Bibi The Terror" looking fairly grown up!

And last but not least, here is Yuu-Chan, a free boy again at last! He has been in solitary until now so a certain nameless BB wouldn't bug him constantly...

He continues to get better. The main focus now is to get him to put on some more weight. He is almost back up to 3kg, but could do with a few more hundred grammes.
#1 says there are lots of toys and treats for us but she hasn't yet unpacked properly. We did get one amazing little bird toy that chirps when it is dropped, It even has feathers! Tom got some cool stuff too and will share it with you soon.
We're probably not going to be blogging regularly until our connection is fixed. They're supposed to call in on Monday morning. Will they? And will they fix it?