SEI-CHAN: Hello everyone. It's been far too long! We're finally getting a chance to do a proper blog post again. I get to go first, not because I am the youngest, but because I have the Frootbat photo for today!

I have been missing my #1 but we have very nice people living with us here, and they play with us and give us cuddles and lots of yummy food. And of course, I still have my big sister to snuggle up with:

Talking of big sisters, Tama-Chan had a big adventure last week, and she wants to tell you all about it!
TAMA-CHAN: It's good to be back, and yes, I have an adventure to tell you about! As you know, I absolutely adore our cat run and have been climbing all over it. It just so happened that, one day, last week, I noticed that it wasn't as well attached as it might have been in one place and so... ESCAPISTA TAMA struck! I had been closely studying all of the advice in my friend Siena's blog and there was my opportunity at last! I was out. I was free!!!!! But then appeared out of nowhere this large floofy thing (the neighbours' very sweet cat, Manoushka) and I was terrified. You know how shy I am. So, I ran and ran, and finally ran upwards! And this is where I found myself:

Can you see me in there? I was hugging that branch! And there was a small problem. I couldn't figure out how to get down.... I stayed up there for a while until a friend, Mr. P, came home from work and brought his big ladder. I was so exhausted that I wolfed down a big meal and passed out on the sofa.

TOMMY: I have been having the most fabulous time (yes, #1, I miss you too!!!!!!) because Mr S. is just the best Frisbee partner! But I have no photographic proof, their excuse being that I never stand still long enough for them to take photos. They've obviously never heard of action shots... So, here is one of me waiting for the Frisbee to be thrown:

A word from #1: Just a quick note to say sorry about not being able to leave comments on everyone's blogs. With a dial-up connection, some graphic-heavy blogs will simply not load, and some comments windows are not clickable. I try to catch up when I go into the library but can't always do so. We still love you and try to read/comment as often as we can!