Wednesday 25 June 2014

Woofie Wednesday!

Tom: Guess what? The farmer has finally been cutting the hay in the fields around our house. It was so high that it was almost impossible for me and #1 to play ball, so we are both very relieved!

This shows you the difference between the cut and not yet cut bits:

Waiting for #1 to throw the ball!


Finding a green bit on the edge to rest for a moment:

The weather is supposed to stay nice for the next 2-3 days and then we may get some rain. I am planning to enjoy every sunny moment!


  1. That looks like so much fun! And thanks so much for helping me celebrate Cat World Domination Day (and my birthday)!

  2. Thank goodness for cut grass :)
    We can see how much you enjoy your game of ball!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  3. Thank goodness they've cut the grass so you can have so much more space to play ball properly.

  4. YAY , for your cutted field so you and #1 can play with your ball :)

    We have nice weather over here too +20C and sunshine (for the moment).


  5. Yes, really, playing ball is more fun with short grass where you can see the ball ! Purrs

  6. Hello handsome Tommy!

    Your hay is even taller than ours. It's near our cutting time, too. That means it will run the mice out of the fields and there will be lots to see from the catio!

    Hope you're having a great day.

  7. I recall that last year too, Tommy! That got extraordinarily high!!

  8. Now you have more places to do zoomies
    Lily & Edward

  9. holy moly - you WOULD have disappeared in that tall hay :)

  10. Wow the hay is really tall. Glad it's been cut and you've got nice playground :-) Enjoy your lovely weather!!

  11. C'est vrai qu'il était temps qu'il fasse les foins le fermier.. rien que pour toi Tommy.
    Ca a l'air d'un super terrain de jeu. Et confortable en plus.
    Moi j'aime beaucoup jouer dans l'herbe haute. Je fais semblant qu'il y a des proies. C'est super drôle.

  12. That will make it much easier to play. I hope it stays nice long enough for the farmer to bale his hay.

  13. That is the best plan Tommy! We like to take advantage of the sun when it is here too:)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  14. Just make sure you take your ball home with you. You wouldn't want some horse to find a tennis ball in his bail of hay.

  15. Enjoy your sun, we are still getting gloomy weather.


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