Saturday 22 June 2013

Seriously Busy SEIturday!

Sei-Chan: Well, Dear Friends, I barely have time to stop and take care of this post. I have simply been SO busy lately!

First of all, I have been supervising the squirrel kids. Well, someone needs to baby-sit, right?

And then, I have been helping my sister Tama on lizard watch:

I have been keeping my nails sharpened in case I might need them:

I have also been keeping my paws crossed that our sitter, Ms. R, is as nice in reality as she sounds in her emails, and that she will like us all, especially me!

And yes, five weeks is an almost unthinkably long time for #1 to be away, but she really needs a change and we think it is good that she is going to PEI where she has many friends and can walk on the beach and such.

I tried to find a little peace and quiet under this cushion but some ex-boy kittens managed to find me pretty quickly...

And now to help #1 with her blogging:

Maybe I need to get away from it all too?


  1. Sei-Chan I think it's best that you stay at home and snooperwise efurrything when #1 is away :)

  2. Sei-Chan, we wonder what kind of a sitter you would be if those squirrels were on the inside of the glass! MOL! What a cute pic.

  3. What cute baby squirrels Sei-Chan and it looks as though they are the same shade as you too. You look so worried while you are hiding under the cushion as if to say please don't look under here and find me.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. I bet Tommy has been showing woo my khrossed paw pikhtures - furry well done!

    PeeEssWoo: Oh Tommy - sorry your weather is khonspiring against woo :-(

  5. Sei-Chan we've been missing you! Slowly getting back in touch with my blogging furriends! You have a happy Saturday my furriend - you and your entire family! Hope No. 1 is getting plenty of R&R - if she was like my pawrents when they went to Seattle a couple of weeks ago, they needed it!


  6. Sei-Chan, we're so glad to see that you're keeping an eye on those squirrels. Maybe if they look really hungry you'll let them come in to be -- we mean for -- a snack?

  7. OMC!" # 1 leaving yu all for five whole weeks!! Pawful for all of you....but I bet she is excited!

  8. Well Sei- chan we find it quite amazing that the baby squirrels come so close to your window. You must be a very good supervisor.

  9. Sei-Chan, j'aime beaucoup cette photo de toi dans le couffin les pattes croisés. Petit air tout doux.
    C'est long 5 semaines, mais ça va aller. La personne qui vient est forcement une personne de confiance adorant les chats. Et puis vous êtes cinq.
    Bon week end

  10. you will get to meet "R" in pawson before she begins her sitting duties won't you? That would be a good idea I think!
    Love those baby squirrels!

  11. Too bad #1 can't take you with her, Sei!

  12. I know it will seem a long time to you but you'll be well-spoiled and waited upon in #1s absense. Me? I can only imagine the luxury of having 5 weeks on PEI and long walks on the beach.


  13. Bet baby squirrel TV is entertaining
    Benny & Lily

  14. I hate squirrels!!
    One tried to climb up on the window yesterday, and I chased him away!

  15. You know you're welcome here, any time...ALL of you! Miss Sei-Chan, Maui has a surprise for you late next week, so please come see us...

    Mommy wishes she could come and kitty-sit, and Tommy-sit, and visit the V's! Maybe someday...

  16. Your little squirrel family is adorable. Endless entertainment for you too!
    We pray your sitter is really nice and competent. She needs to take extra special care of Tommy. Keeping his would intact is so important. Hope she has lots of experience with kitties and pups. The folks you had last time seemed really excellent. We were hoping it would be them again this year since they know you.

  17. You sure do have a very busy schedule, Sei-Chan. We hope #1 has a wonderful time. Thank her again for her help re Thunder.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  18. I live in fear that my mom will abandon me for 5 weeks and go to be your kitty sitter...and woofie sitter. She just might do it....

  19. Oh my friends, I had so much catching up to do with you. We finally got on the internet for a while so we quickly headed over to as many of our friends as possible.
    Boy I have missed so much goings on at your place.
    Tommy, whats with the abcess. Dude, ya gotta be careful.
    My love to everyone and hope #1 doesnt' stay away too long. and love love love the little baby squirrells. you guys live in an amazing place

  20. Sweetheart, all will be well...I just know it will and your #1 will miss you all a LOT. Trust me, she will.


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