Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Woofie Wednesday


Ollie: Woofs, Everyone! Ollie here! As you know, #1 packed me off to Dr. C's yesterday on the pretence that I was limping. Well, yes... I have been limping for the past couple of weeks but what's a little limp between friends, I ask you? Dr. C got me up on the examination table and then proceeded to move my leg every which way. Her verdict is that all is not lost and, if I behave myself and not run around like a lunatic, I could deal with the situation sans surgery for some time yet. #1 did manage to snag a couple of photos.

I came home with more Carprox (anti-inflammatory) and some soft chews called Movoflex which Dr. C says have worked really well with quite a few dogs she treats. Paws crossed!

Here is a pic of me hanging with my bro, Benny, after we got back:

And a nice shot of me in the garden:

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: Hello, Dear Friends, and welcome to my weekly post where I share my news and views. 

Today, I would like to start by talking about food which is of course a matter of great importance to all of us. I order to keep me as well as possible for as long as possible, it is very important that I eat extremely low-fat food on an ongoing basis. So, #1 spends hours looking at the fat content of everything she buys. She never gives me anything with more than 3.5% fat and most of the food I get is around 1% or 1.5% fat. So, she is always excited when she finds something new and delicious for me. I completely agree as variety is the spice of life! My favourite foods include the various broth and "dashi" pouches made by Inaba, the manufacturers of Churu, but the other day she stumbled on this:

Leonardo is a premium German brand and most of their products are fairly high-fat, but this is only 0.6% and it is very yummy! So she ordered me a whole box of the version with duck. I have to mention that Benny The Black tried to steal them (he is a highly-skilled thief) but she caught him in time. They will make lovely snacks for me! Of course, I like to help #1 make her selection on an ongoing basis when she shops for us :

I have been providing #1 with lots of support and I am glad to say that she is regaining her confidence after that debacle last week. The world seems over-full with nasty people these days, don't you think? I am keeping my paws firmly crossed that they will stay away from us in the future.

I do believe that a change of perspective, even a very slight one, can be very salutary. Something like my decision to sit the other day next to my beddie rather than in it.

And when people get really unpleasant, then there is no choice other than giving them the finger or, in our case, the paw...

As you can see, this old girl is still pretty limber for her age!

Monday, 3 March 2025

Momo's Manly Monday


Momo-Chan: Paw Waves, Everyone. It's me, Fluff-Puff! It's been a while, hasn't it? Nice to be back!

Here are a couple of pics of me to kick off this new week, and new month!

#1 seems to have taken lots of photos of Ryū-Chan lately. He is quite a poseur! This is the sad state of our Cat Scratcher Lounge. To be honest, it was Ryū who reduced it to this!

When Ollie isn't around to snuggle up with, Benny snuggles up to one of Ollie's stuffies:

But never fear! Ollie is never far away...

Poor Ollie is limping quite a bit again, so #1 is going to take him to see DR.C this week.

We wish you all a good week.

Sunday, 2 March 2025

Snuggles on Sunday


Tama-Chan: Welcome to our weekly SoS post, Dear Friends. Mr. G and Ms. N were supposed to be coming to tea yesterday, and we were hoping for some nice photos, but Mr. G is down with the flu! So we are sending him lots of purrs for a quick recovery.

I did provide #1 with a couple of photo ops:

Somecat was dissatisfied that I had taken his space...

Ollie has been, as usual, snuggling with Momo and Benny. Can you see Benny in the first one?

Momo has been pretty snuggly of late. Here he is, with Benny, on #1's bed in the morning:

And #1 actually managed to snag a couple of snuggle selfies with Momo!

Even more extraordinary is that she managed to get a selfie with Ryū!

And that's our SoS post for this week. We will be continuing to purr a lot for #1 as she is still under the shock of what happened.

Saturday, 1 March 2025

Sei-Chan's So Long Ago Souvenir Saturday


Rainbow Sei: Hello, Dear Friends. You have been reading about the terrible few days that #1 has had, and I would like to thank you personally for all the nice, supportive, messages you have left in the comments. As you can imagine, she doesn't have a whole lot of mojo at the moment, so we agreed that this week's souvenir post would be just about the two founders of this blog, Sen-Chan (aka Poupounet) and Tommy. The photos are all from 2008, the year this blog started.

The first one is Tommy with "auntie" Madrac, his very first friend here. She taught him a lot and, of course, Tommy went on to do the same for Madrac's successor, Fernant.

Tommy doing what he loved, best; running in the fields. 

Gorgeous red Aby Sen-Chan who was my half-brother. He left us at only 18 months:

We hope to post tomorrow and return to regular blogging after that.

Friday, 28 February 2025

Fangful Friday


Ryū-Chan: MeeYOW, Everyone. Your favourite little dragon here. This will be a short post but we wanted to say thank you to all the people who left nice, supportive comments yesterday after we posted about #1's terrible experience. The divorce is now complete. They did pay her something, although a far cry from what she was supposed to earn. We may have to cut back on treats for a while. I just wanted to say that if anyone hurts her like that again, they will have to deal with my fangs and my dragon fire!

Thursday, 27 February 2025

Thankless Thursday


Tama-Chan: Don't worry, Dear Friends. We are all OK, but our poor #1 has been through the wars and is feeling thankless and hopeless. As you know, she was away in Belgium for a few days to do a course to become a dressage steward for the International Equestrian Federation. This is a useful addition to her existing qualification as a para-dressage steward. We are happy (and thankful!) to report that she passed the course and the three tests that came with it, but several of those attending failed and she feels really bad for them.

More traumatic for her is that the big project she has been working on 24/7 for the past month imploded yesterday. We had mentioned that the client was being very difficult, but when they became insulting and nasty, accusing her of being incompetent,  #1 had no choice other than to file for a divorce. Now she is waiting to hear if they will pay her properly for all the work she already did rather than try to cheat her. We are doing our best to comfort her.

Friday, 21 February 2025

Fraternal Fun Friday!


Momo-Chan: Hello Everyone, Fluff-Puff here! Some people around here have been accusing me of being a blog hogger, but what can I say? That I have a lot to say! So here is today's fun post for you. Interspersed with the photos of me are photos of my bro! His name is Tokyo and he lives with Dr. C's vet tech. Our two #1s agree that we look totally alike. Do you agree? Can you tell us apart?

In other news, #1 says thank you for the words of support yesterday. The fact is that she is going away tomorrow, to Belgium for four days to do a training course to become an FEI steward in dressage (in addition to being a para-dressage steward). It will be really hard work but she says she is so looking forward to the change of air and focus! It will be like a holiday. So we are allowing it. Mr. G will be looking after us, as usual. #1 will be back next Tuesday evening, and we will not be blogging until then. Please forgive us and don't forget us!

Thursday, 20 February 2025

Thankless Thursday


Ollie: Woofs, Everyone! Ollie here! It's #1 who is feeling thankless, not us! Her client is being a huge pain. She is exhausted and worried, and has been known to use bad words numerous times a day. We are trying to give comfort, but I am afraid I did not help by rolling in something she did not like and needing a bath:

I am also limping again as I over-exerted myself running around and playing with everyone at Ms. C's

But I had a great time, and I also smell sweet! Don't worry, we're all looking after #1!

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Wednesday Whinnies


Heloise: "Helo" everyone! My big sis, Violette, said I should host this week, so here I am. We had a great time when #1 finally took a break from work and came to visit us last Saturday. Both #1 and Ms. C took photos. We posted the best one on the SoS post last Sunday, but we have several more.

First, we got our apples:

I was really eager to get at the Polo Mints. For our friends who are not familiar with them, they are round mint candy (for humans) with a hole in the middle, and all horses love them!

We were both looking a tad muddy!

A lovely portrait of Violette to close:

We're hoping that #1 comes back soon but she is off to Belgium for four days from Saturday and then has to get right back to her project, so it may be a little while.

Oh and I almost forgot! One of my half brothers, Etna, is on his way to Scotland, to live with good friends of #1. We have the same daddy, Titus, and I think we do like alike. What do you think?