Saturday 7 August 2021

Some Shots on Saturday


Tama-Chan: #1 has been gone SO LONG!

I miss her...

I hope she comes back soon.

Benny: I love being out in the cat run!

Thanks to Mr. G for taking the great photos, and looking after us so well. And to Ms. M too! #1 has been taking very different kinds of photos...

She says the OIympic Games are almost over. She will take a few days off next week to go and visit friends, and then she starts to get ready for the Paralympics. She's crazy...


  1. You both look terrific and that flying horse is really something!

  2. Everyone looks fantastic and the time until you're together will pass by quickly! So nice that Mr G and Ms M are taking such good care of you :)

  3. It's good to see you both are doing well. We've been watching all the equestrian events trying to see a glimpse of #1.

  4. I am sorry you are missing #1 but there will be lots of snuggles when she comes home. That is a wonderful photo of the horse.

  5. Gee your #1 has been gone a long time. I would be missing mum so much if she was gone that long.

  6. Wow, #1 has SO much scheduled! I'm glad to see some photos of you guys. I bet you miss her.

  7. Your #1 sure is a busy lady! Good thing she has great help that takes the bestest care of all you precious ones.

  8. Great shot of the horse ! #1 will be home soon, and we bet there will be tons and tons of snuggles ! Purrs


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