Thursday, 17 November 2016

Tommy's Thankful Thursday

Tommy: Yesterday, #1 and I went to see Dr. C. It was time for my annual check-up and boosters, and Dr. C wanted to do another blood test on me. Last time she did one, in May, I showed elevated cholesterol levels, so she and #1 discussed how my diet might be adjusted to make the situation better, and I was retested today. My cholesterol levels are back to normal! Both Dr. C and #1 were very proud of me! Dr. C told #1 to continue feeding me exactly as she had been doing. The main thing that #1 did was change my kibble. I used to eat an English brand called James Wellbeloved that had 10.5% fat. I am now eating a German brand called Happy Dog Supreme, with just 6.5%. I like it fine and it seems to have done the trick!

Whilst we were there, #1 also discussed with Dr. C the latest panic on Facebook about Bravecto flea and tick medicine. People have been putting up posts saying it kills dogs and cats. I have been taking the chewable 3-month version for two years without any side effects, and Dr. C said that she had not seen a single adverse reaction to it from any of her clients during these two years So there you have it.

Anyway, I really enjoy going to Dr. C's and always spend time exploring:

But I also enjoy sitting quietly whilst #1 and Dr. C catch up on their horses, as well as woofies and kitties.

In other news, we have mentioned that the weather has been pretty stinky all week so far. #1 and I still trying to get out as much as possible because, aside from my playing ball, we also have to take apples to the horsies and Wowie!

And in the evenings, it's nice to relax at home:

I am a very lucky boy and I am thankful for everything!


  1. I am so glad to hear that your cholesterol is back in the normal range, Tommy!

  2. Good to hear you had a great result from your Vet Tommy :)
    Now you can concentrate on having fun!
    Love that last picture ;)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  3. Glad you are better Tommy. Sounds like the food did the trick. You sure do enjoy life Tommy and that is a good thing. Have a great day.

  4. Wow Tommy you are showing off your tummy!!

  5. Great news!! We haven't heard anything about Bravecto, yikes
    Lily & Edward

  6. Tommy, we are very glad to hear that your cholesterol is back to normal! Yay!

  7. Well done, Tommy, we're glad to hear you had such good results at the vet ! Purrs

  8. Well, Tommy, we are both very happy to hear about your great vet visit. We hope the weather improves so you and #1 can get to your fields more often.

    Woos -Lightning and Misty

  9. Tommy you sure have a lot to be thankful for. We're glad to hear your vet appointment went well.

  10. Tommy, that pose you made in the last photo is hilarious! You made me laugh! You're so good! You are the most well behaved dog I've ever seen. Are you sure you're not a person inside? #1 must be very proud. I'm glad your report was good with the vet. Keep up the good work! Also, have an excellent Tommy Tuesday!

  11. Wonderful news, sweetheart! You are the dearest dog and we want you to stay healthy and happy. Lots of love to you.

  12. That was a darn good report Tommy, bravo!!!

  13. OH! My hairy slobbery sister Cinnamon is sure enjoying the Tommy shots!

  14. Glad you don't have to take pills for your cholesterol!

  15. C'est bien que ton cholesterol soit redescendu facilement Tommy. C'est toujours ennuyeux le cholesterol.
    Quant au Bravesto, il n'y jamais de problème sauf quand il y en a un qui arrive. On fait avaler à nos animaux des trucs que l'on n'oserait jamais approcher même de loin. Pourtant les rapports de la FDA ressensent des problèmes.
    Mes vetos n'ont jamais entendu parler de problèmes avec le Covenia .... et pourtant.
    Le Stronghold n'a pas d'effets secondaires et moi je me bats depuis mi septembre avec ses effets secondaires cutanés sur Hisia.
    Je pense que certains humains, en particulier ceux qui les vendent, devraient avaler des insecticides ou se mettre sur la peau des produits systémiques !


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