Saturday, 13 December 2014


Sei-Chan: Lots of rain and wind the last couple of days, with only the occasional fleeting sunpuddle for comfort.

I have spent some time trying to help #1 with getting her summer clothes put away, but she has not made a great deal of progress. I mean, just look at this mess:

She  really does need to do something about it!

Of course the state of her desk isn't any better. In fact, it may even be worse…

What can a girl do but find  quiet place for a little recuperative nap?


  1. We are with you Sei- chan. Sometimes you can't help the beans no matter how hard you try.

  2. Well you gave it a good try and it was likely fun trying!

  3. I think a nap sounds like a great idea!

  4. Sei, don't you know the old saying that a clean desk is the sign of a sick mind? Then No. 1 must be in perfect mental health! MOL

    Have a good weekend ya'll!


  5. Here in AZ we hardly ever put our summer clothes away - we have more days that are still t-shirt weather than days we need warm clothes.

    I'm glad you have help. :)

    Monty and Harlow

  6. #1 has clued in that if she puts her summer clothes away, the weather will warm up and require her to get them out again. Now, thinking about that, it would not be bad at all!
    At least humans have not started piling their stuff in our cat beds yet.

  7. Just looking at this mess is exhausting : we think a nap is the best idea ! Purrs

  8. We know what you mean! A good nap is the perfect cure! Nap well!
    Marty and the Gang

  9. Have a good long nap and it may be gone when you wake up.

  10. *gasp!* You had to resort to a CAT BED?? Scandalous!! ;-)

  11. Humans! Why can't they be tidy like us?

  12. Looks like you've found a purrfect spot, lovely girl!

  13. You take very good care of your #1, sweetheart! Trying your best is all you can do. Beans will never be tidy like us.

  14. MY mom just decided to abandon me all day to go out with her furriends. What about ME?

  15. Sei il semble que ta #1 souffre un peu du même mal que ma Nat à Chat. Totalement désordonnée. C'est marrant de l'entendre râler quand elle ne trouve pas quelque chose.
    Tant que ça laisse de la place pour des siestes confortables.... pas grave.


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