Saturday 25 November 2017


Sei-Chan: You know, Dear Friends, that I have a huge soft spot in my heart for Mr. G. That said, however, it is always important for people to know who's boss, right?

#1 is complaining about me at the moment. She says  I am not eating my special kibble properly, asI used to, and keep stealing the others' regular kibble. I say that's what you get for being away all the time. Right/?

And now, will you please excuse me? It's time for my nap. 

Before I forget, Happy Trails to the Big V on his trip to England today!


  1. Sometimes kitties change their minds about food, Sei - maybe you don't like your special food anymore.

  2. Not only is Mr. G a trustworthy friend but he’s fun too!
    A great combination for you all.
    Bon Voyage , darling Vidock. Travel safely. Please let us know about your trip. We’ll be worried about you.

  3. We get curious about what each other is eating as well.
    Mum has to watch as moocher Julie wants to check out JJ & Georgia's bowls. They have meds in them :/
    Looks like you have Mr G under your paw ;)
    Have fun Vidock!
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  4. Coucou Sei,
    Je suis d'accord avec toi. De temps en temps il faut rappeler aux humains que les chefs c'est nous. Ca n'empêche pas de les aimer. En plus ils font d'excellents perchoirs pour se balader.
    Par contre, pour les croquettes, il vaut mieux que tu ne piques pas trop ceux des autres. Les reins c'est important.
    On souhaite un bon voyage à Vidock.
    Bonne sieste.

  5. Oh, Sei-Chan, we think you need to show #1 how happy you are for her to be home and to be home for a good spell by eating your special food all up!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  6. What a fun and trustworthy friend ! You should eat your special food, it's for your health you know ! We wish Vidock a safe travel. Purrs

  7. Safe journey, Vidock. It looks like you had fun with Mr.G.

  8. We know you're the boss! We sure wish Vidock all the best, he deserves it!

  9. Everyone on Earth knows that you're the boss. I hope that Vidock has good travels.

  10. SEI! You remind me of Queen Penelope. She liked to walk all over people!
    We are purraying the Big V's trip goes well.

  11. Sei, we know you're the boss. And now Mr. G knows it too. :) Good luck to V!


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